Thursday, May 19, 2011


The marketing campaign for Fritz’s Butcher Shop could benefit from using this mashup.  It is a search and shopping mashup.  These types of sites integrate comparative price data so consumers can conduct comparative shopping on the web (James Stanger, 2009).  Customers will be able to search the internet to compare prices offered by Fritz’s Butcher Shop to other competitors, to insure they are getting the best deal that they can get.  In addition, customers will be able to see on a map where the butcher shop is located, so they know if it would be cost efficient to travel to the butcher shop to have their meat processed.  They will also be able to print out directions from Google Maps to guide them to the butcher shop.   

This mashup will work great for promoting Fritz’s Butcher Shop.  It has Goggle Maps in it.  This will allow the butcher shop to post directions to the butcher shop or to any hog roast that they may be doing.  In addition, Vast could be useful to the butcher shop too.  This is a search tool the crawls the internet for information (Vast API).  This could be used by the butcher shop to post information about the local hunting season and their opening dates.  This might be helpful information for customers reading the butcher shops blog.  A large portion of these customers are hunters bringing in their game to be processed.  Also, AdWords was added to it because it will allow for the generation of keywords, ad text, and URL’s and integrates AdWords data with an inventory system to manage campaigns based on stock and develop additional tools and applications to help you manage accounts.  AdWords will promote more sales by advertising the butchers shop’s products and services to the followers of the blog.  Last, AdSense will allow the butcher shop to generate a little extra revenue by allowing them to advertise for other businesses.  They can choose a business to post on their blog and get paid every time someone clicks on this link to go view the other business. (Goggle Ad Sence API).

Google Maps will allow interactive activity for the customer by allowing them to be able to see the geographic location of the butcher shop.  This can be used so they can get direction to the butcher shop or any of the barbecue and hog roast.  This is an extra easy to use feature that is attractive and that should appeal to customers of all ages.  In addition, AdSense allows the customers to view other businesses.

The five unique words or phrases to be used in this mashup tag cloud are as follows: Butcher Shop, Deer Bologna, Hog Roast, Bulk meats, and cheap steaks.  First, “Butcher Shop” is the type of business I am doing my marketing campaign for.  Second, “Deer Bologna” is one of the unique products that is offered by the butcher shop.  Not all butcher shops make deer bologna.  Third, I used “Hog Roast” because the butcher shop offers these services.  Fourth, I used “Bulk Meats” because when you buy a large quantity of meat for example a whole or half beef a discounted price is offered.  Fifth, “Cheap Steaks” was used because it will draw in customers looking for cheap deals.
·         Butcher Shop
·         Deer Bologna
·         Hog Roast
·         Bulk Meats
·         Cheap Steaks

Three of the original API’s had to be changed out due to unavailability.  The only original API I was able to use was Google Maps.  I replaced the unavailable API’s with the following API’s.  First, I replaced Vast with “How to cook anything”.  This API allows the visitors to this blog to type in the food that they desire to cook and this gadget will return recipes for it.  I thought this might be a good idea for the butcher shop’s blog; this will help visitors to this blog to explore various recipe options that they could use in conjunction with the meats they purchased or are planning to purchase from the butcher shop.  This might draw in more visitors to the blog and more customers to the butcher shop.  Second, I replaced Goggle AdWords with the “seasonal foods” API.  This will help a visitor to this blog to further plan there meal based upon the items that are in season in their local area.  This will allow customer to save money, fruits and vegetables that are in season cost less than one that are not.  Third, I replaced Goggle AdSense with the “share it” API.  This will allow customer/follows to spread the word about the blog to their friends and family on Facebook and Twitter.  This allows follows to share their interests and it spreads the words about the butcher shop.  This is free advertisement for the butcher shop.  Last, I added an extra API, “random pictures of deer”.  This will help promote the fact the butcher shop processes deer meat.  This will also enhance the visitors experience when visiting the blog. 


Goggle AdSense API. (n.d.). Retrieved May 18, 2011, from
James Stanger, P. P. (2009). Internet Business Foundations. Tempe: Certification
Partners, LLC.Vast API. (n.d.). Retrieved May 18, 2011, from

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