Thursday, May 26, 2011

Client Presentation

Part 1 Web Marketing Campaign
Fritz Butcher Shop is a locally owned butcher shop that has been in the area for over 20 years.  In the last couple of years the amount of your customers has declined in spite of the great services offered by your butcher shop.  A further investigation revealed that you are not advertised on the internet.  You are missing out on a whole demographic of customers that you could be serving.  Internet marketing will allow for cheap or nearly free advertising and promotion of your business.  I believe this will increase the butcher shops business and save your business from being closed down due to a lack of customers. 
Our first focus will be on developing a marketing campaign.  What products and services does the butcher shop offer?  Where is the best place to advertise this on the internet to get the most business?  Who are the customers of the butcher shop?  How is the business information handled?  What equipment will we needed to provide an effective marketing campaign?  Also, who will be on the web marketing development team?  These are all important questions that will be asked and addressed during this stage of development.  This will provide the background to base the entire marketing campaign on.  This documentation provides us with a guideline of what our goals and tasks are comprised of.
 Unit 2 Document

Part 2 Evaluate Cloud Computing
What is cloud computing and SAAS and how can they be implemented in the planning, development, or implementation of a marketing campaign for Fritz’s Butcher Shop?  Cloud computing is not a new concept, but it is a concept that is gaining ground especially with small businesses like the butcher shop.  Cloud computing is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet.
The advantages of considering a cloud or SAAS product for the butcher shop are as follows:
·    It allows the butcher shop to only pay for the products when they use them, not during the months when they don’t.
·    The employees of the butcher shop will not have to worry about doing the upgrades or maintenance on the products; that is done by the provider.
·    The programs will be available to the employees of the butcher shop when they are on the road, for example at a family reunion hosting a hog roast.
The disadvantages of using this cloud computing or SAAS is as follows:
·    If the business should grow to be larger these types of products are not customizable and may not be suitable.  This is not very likely as Fritz’s Butcher shop has not grown in size in over 20 years. 
·    Many companies consider this a security risk.  I don’t think this will be an issue with Fritz’s Butcher Shop.  
A few options of SAAS that would be suited to the butcher shop:
·    Freshbooks is a SAAS program it is an accounting software program of sorts.  This will aid the butcher shop in keeping accurate up to date financial records.  This will be more economical that keeping paper copies of business records.  This program can be downloaded off of the website and has a free trial version available the URL for this website is as follows:
·    Water CMST this website allows for a free 3-page website with a sub-domain of their choice at  This would be an option for hosting a website devoted to Fritz’s Butcher Shop.  A 3 page website is enough to get the butcher shop promoted across the internet.  The 3 pages in fact might be more than enough to promote the butcher shop and all the services it offers.
·         McAfee is a program that guards against viruses, spyware, adware, malware, hackers, internet scams, ID theft, and phishing schemes (Small Business Solutions).  It can be obtained at this URL: 

This is a good way for the butcher shop to obtain the needed virus protection it will need to secure your network. 
Here is a link to goggle doc that discusses this further in detail:
Unit 3 Document

Part 3 Add-ons and why they can help
Glydo is a Firefox add-on that streams news feeds based upon your former browsing history.  It also retrieves news, video, tweets, and other info related to your interests.  This is a very useful function as it will be able to monitor the business’s former browser history.  This add-on may remember that one of the employees of the butcher shop was looking for sausage casings and may display information later on somewhere that has a sale on them, or other information like the price beef is going for at this time.  Glydo will keep the employees of Fritz’s Butcher Shop up to date and on top of current news.  Here is a link to a video I made about Glydo and it features.
Unit 4 Document

Part 4 Part A CRM and what it is
A CRM program is a piece of software that helps businesses focus on customers in line with Customer Relationship Management strategies (Hampson, 2010).  CRM improves customer relations in several ways for Fritz’s Butcher Shop:
·         This can help a business to identify and better serve customer needs. 
·         It can lead to better marketing of your product.
·         The information contained in a CRM can provide an accurate customer demographic, and better serve existing customers.
·         CRM software is important to implement because it improves customer satisfaction profit, and value from existing customers (Business benefits of CRM's).
Sales Nexus is the CRM software that I recommend to be used at Fritz’s Butcher Shop. 
·         Sales Nexus cost’s 40 to 50 dollars a month (Pricing and editions).
·         It comes with free training videos and it has videos online.
·         Sales Nexus uses SSL for all transactions in an effort to protect the user’s information; it encrypts credit card numbers and other information so it is not able to be seen over the internet (Pricacy Policy).
·         Implementation is easy and no special tools are required. 
The URL for this products web site is
Part 4 Part B How keywords can help with web searches
It is important to know how to surf the internet properly; using Boolean operators in your searches can be very helpful, saving time for the employees of the butcher shop.  These Boolean operators include and, or not, “”, and the wild card * operand.  Using these can help to make the web searches the butcher shop does faster and more efficient.  This will save time and money that the butcher shop could put to better use.
Part 5 Email Marketing Campaign
I suggest using an Email Marketing solution called Constant Contact.  This is an easy to use program that allows you to create a database of your customers to use for sending out emails and other promotions.  It has features to allow the butcher shop to analyze the effectiveness of their emails sent out.  In addition, it allows the butcher shop to compare its email to other similar emails from other organization to allow you to design better emails.  Also, email contacts can be easily added to email lists.  Last it has a variety of templates to choose from when creating an email.  These templates are easy to use and make emails and promotions a breeze for a small business like Fritz’s Butcher Shop.
Unit 6 Document

Part 6 Web tools that can help
Visio is a commercial drawing program that I believe could be very useful for Fritz’s Butcher Shop.  It has a variety of pre-drawn templates and shapes that can be used to build a variety of diagrams and chart for the butcher shops various needs.  This will allow the butcher shop to make diagrams quickly and easily.  These could be diagrams for setting up a hog roast or direction to the hog roast.  These directions could be done up in Visio and posted on the butcher shops website.  Visio allows for import and export in a variety of formats.  This will make it very versatile to use for a variety of uses.  It integrates nicely with Microsoft other products.  A presentation of my findings on Visio is available at the link listed below:
Unit 7 Document
Part 7 Blog
A blog is a great way to get the word out there about Fritz’s Butcher Shop.  This can be used to put additional information out there that will not be included on the Fritz’s Butcher Shop website.  I have designed an accurate portrayal that reflects Fritz’s Butcher Shop.  It has API’s chosen for it to enhance the followers of the blog’s experience.  How to cook anything is a gadget that gives the user information on how to cook anything.  What’s in seasonal informs followers of what is in season in their area as far as fruits and vegetables go.  Goggle maps can be used to give followers directions to the butcher shop, or the family hog roast they are attending.  I have even included an app that has pictures of deer and other big game.  This is one of Fritz’s Butcher Shops specialties, preparation of deer meat in a variety of ways.  This also gives the blogs some charter.
The combination of these API’s used together is called a mashup.  There are many mashup’s available.  Creating a blog is simple and easy to do and can bring more business to the butcher shop.
Unit 8 Document
Part 8 Security and Privacy Concerns
Cloud computing can be an attractive service that should be utilized in Fritz’s Butcher Shop, but privacy could be an issue that you would want to research before deciding to use this service.  Privacy is not an absolute when using cloud computing. This is not like storing files on your home computer’s hard drive.  If the files are needed, law enforcement can subpoena these documents from the cloud computing or SAAS provider.  A few simple guidelines can help you to choose the right cloud computing software with the privacy that you’re comfortable with.  One of the things that you can do to insure your privacy is to carefully read the service level agreement.  In addition, investigate possible cloud computing options thoroughly.  Some of these providers may have their servers physical located in foreign countries where the laws may be different.  Also, respect your client’s privacy.  Many businesses like hospitals have strict rules like HIPPA that may prevent them from using cloud computing options.  Fritz’s Butcher Shop is a smaller business though and is not governed by laws like HIPPA.  Your mission critical data should not be used in any cloud computing application.   
The last thing that you should do before deploying a webpage is to use a number of different browser and operating systems to view how they will look.  This may not make a lot of difference, but it will make some differences.  These differences may influence you to format web pages differently.  In addition, know that these pages are formatting differently and parts of our page have been moved around will help you to answer questions from customers concerning your web page.
Unit 9 Document
First, we will begin to develop the Web Marketing Campaign.  This will include investigating the business function and current business practice.  This will help us to establish a baseline to build our web marketing campaign upon. 
Second, we will evaluate cloud computing options that may be helpful at the butcher shop.   This will establish which programs that we want to use in the butcher shop.
Third, Now that we have our programs we can look for the proper add-ons to go with our programs.
Fourth, Now that we have our basic programs and add-ons we can focus or our more specialized programs such as CRMs.
Fifth, Now that we have all our software it’s time to focus on teaching the employees how to use it correctly such as using Boolean operators including and, or not, “”, and the wild card * operand.  These can help make the web searches the butcher shop does be faster and more efficient.
Sixth, after the employees have been trained it’s time for the Email Marketing Campaign since we already have our CRM software with our customer’s information; it can be imported into our email marketing campaign to supply our customers with promotional information for the butcher shop.
Seventh, next we will take a look at Visio and see the many ways it can help the butcher shop such as creating schedules and calendars to be placed on the blog that we are about to create.
Eighth, now it’s time for the Fritz Butcher Shop blog since we have emails going out to our current customers it’s time to get some new customers to send those emails to and create some new business.
Ninth, Now that we have everything up and running it’s time to go over security preferences and privacy concerns.

Gantt Chart
Part 1

Part 2


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cloud computing and privacy

Cloud computing can be used to do many things.  Cloud computing software relies on the web for it to work.  This means if using a feature like Goggle docs we have to rely on web applications to create and store the document.  In addition, Cloud computing allows for easier collaboration.  A good example of this is online education.  Students from a variety of geographic areas and backgrounds are able to collaborate with each other.  In addition, this requires faster computers to overcome some of the technical obstacles.  Also, Cloud computing involves trusting your data to a third party to manage.  Many IT departments do not like this idea.  Many people fear that these third party providers could disclose the information for unauthorized purposes.  As people and businesses take advantage of Internet-based services, they may well find trade secrets in the hands of competitors, private medical records made public and e-mail correspondence in the hands of government investigators without any prior notice, the report warns (Mahanta, 2009).  Although storing client and other information on the internet is not a new thing, in fact it has been done for many years before the term cloud computing was coined.  Many people rely on cloud computing more and more everyday as we shift away from client/server architecture and toward a terminal/mainframe environment we will rely on the information that is stored in the cloud.
            First, the information stored in cloud computing may not be as secure as storing these files on our home computer.  This means this data is easily able to be obtained by law enforcement officials and lawyers they only need a subpoena (Does Cloud Computing Mean More Risks to Privacy?, 2009).  The only thing that an ISP or email provided can do is to inform the account holder before the information is turned over to the authorities.  I believe this can be cleared up with some plain simple netiquette.  Remember that anything posted on the internet in permanent.  Be choosy about the type of information that you put out on the internet as well as the quantity of personal information that you post on the internet be aware that anything that you put out on the internet is not private. 
            Second, before using any SAAS or cloud computing option check the user agreement.  Read it carefully as a lot of cloud computing services, for example Facebook retains the right to use your information for other purposes (Does Cloud Computing Mean More Risks to Privacy?, 2009).  Many times these user agreements are not specific about these issues, or it is buried among a host of other information.  It is important to take time to read these agreements closely not just clicking I agree with no knowledge of what you have agree too. 
            Third, it is suggested that the United States has not grown to accommodate the growing issues that arise from internet usage.  Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 has some very odd rules for e-mail.  Messages you have not read are given more protection, for example, than messages you have (Does Cloud Computing Mean More Risks to Privacy?, 2009).
Fourth, it is very important to respect the customers’ expectation of privacy.  I would research a cloud computing service thoroughly before using it.  Reading the fine details of the service agreement can be useful in deciding which cloud computing service you want to use.  Many of them state in this agreement that they reserve the right to use your information.  In addition, when using a cloud computing service I do not recommend outing mission critical data on any cloud computing function.  I would also research other people in the same business you are and look at the cloud computing choices that they are using.  I would use only reputable cloud computing services.  I would not use a product for my customer’s information that I would not personally allow to handle my personal information.  I would also recommend backing up the customer’s information on local servers.  In addition, it is important to check the regulations on the privacy of a customer’s information for your industry.  The regulation is called HIPPA for hospitals and other medical professions.  Depending on your profession there may be regulations in place regarding privacy that should be reviewed before deciding on using a cloud computing service.  Next, it is it important to check where the servers are housed for the cloud computing service you are considering.  These servers could be located in another country where the privacy policy could be stricter or not very strict at all. 
Does Cloud Computing Mean More Risks to Privacy? (2009, February 23). Retrieved April 23, 2011, from
Mahanta, S. (2009, May 5). Privacy Concerns Arise As Digital Life Trends Toward Cloud Computing. Retrieved April 23, 2011, from

Thursday, May 19, 2011


The marketing campaign for Fritz’s Butcher Shop could benefit from using this mashup.  It is a search and shopping mashup.  These types of sites integrate comparative price data so consumers can conduct comparative shopping on the web (James Stanger, 2009).  Customers will be able to search the internet to compare prices offered by Fritz’s Butcher Shop to other competitors, to insure they are getting the best deal that they can get.  In addition, customers will be able to see on a map where the butcher shop is located, so they know if it would be cost efficient to travel to the butcher shop to have their meat processed.  They will also be able to print out directions from Google Maps to guide them to the butcher shop.   

This mashup will work great for promoting Fritz’s Butcher Shop.  It has Goggle Maps in it.  This will allow the butcher shop to post directions to the butcher shop or to any hog roast that they may be doing.  In addition, Vast could be useful to the butcher shop too.  This is a search tool the crawls the internet for information (Vast API).  This could be used by the butcher shop to post information about the local hunting season and their opening dates.  This might be helpful information for customers reading the butcher shops blog.  A large portion of these customers are hunters bringing in their game to be processed.  Also, AdWords was added to it because it will allow for the generation of keywords, ad text, and URL’s and integrates AdWords data with an inventory system to manage campaigns based on stock and develop additional tools and applications to help you manage accounts.  AdWords will promote more sales by advertising the butchers shop’s products and services to the followers of the blog.  Last, AdSense will allow the butcher shop to generate a little extra revenue by allowing them to advertise for other businesses.  They can choose a business to post on their blog and get paid every time someone clicks on this link to go view the other business. (Goggle Ad Sence API).

Google Maps will allow interactive activity for the customer by allowing them to be able to see the geographic location of the butcher shop.  This can be used so they can get direction to the butcher shop or any of the barbecue and hog roast.  This is an extra easy to use feature that is attractive and that should appeal to customers of all ages.  In addition, AdSense allows the customers to view other businesses.

The five unique words or phrases to be used in this mashup tag cloud are as follows: Butcher Shop, Deer Bologna, Hog Roast, Bulk meats, and cheap steaks.  First, “Butcher Shop” is the type of business I am doing my marketing campaign for.  Second, “Deer Bologna” is one of the unique products that is offered by the butcher shop.  Not all butcher shops make deer bologna.  Third, I used “Hog Roast” because the butcher shop offers these services.  Fourth, I used “Bulk Meats” because when you buy a large quantity of meat for example a whole or half beef a discounted price is offered.  Fifth, “Cheap Steaks” was used because it will draw in customers looking for cheap deals.
·         Butcher Shop
·         Deer Bologna
·         Hog Roast
·         Bulk Meats
·         Cheap Steaks

Three of the original API’s had to be changed out due to unavailability.  The only original API I was able to use was Google Maps.  I replaced the unavailable API’s with the following API’s.  First, I replaced Vast with “How to cook anything”.  This API allows the visitors to this blog to type in the food that they desire to cook and this gadget will return recipes for it.  I thought this might be a good idea for the butcher shop’s blog; this will help visitors to this blog to explore various recipe options that they could use in conjunction with the meats they purchased or are planning to purchase from the butcher shop.  This might draw in more visitors to the blog and more customers to the butcher shop.  Second, I replaced Goggle AdWords with the “seasonal foods” API.  This will help a visitor to this blog to further plan there meal based upon the items that are in season in their local area.  This will allow customer to save money, fruits and vegetables that are in season cost less than one that are not.  Third, I replaced Goggle AdSense with the “share it” API.  This will allow customer/follows to spread the word about the blog to their friends and family on Facebook and Twitter.  This allows follows to share their interests and it spreads the words about the butcher shop.  This is free advertisement for the butcher shop.  Last, I added an extra API, “random pictures of deer”.  This will help promote the fact the butcher shop processes deer meat.  This will also enhance the visitors experience when visiting the blog. 


Goggle AdSense API. (n.d.). Retrieved May 18, 2011, from
James Stanger, P. P. (2009). Internet Business Foundations. Tempe: Certification
Partners, LLC.Vast API. (n.d.). Retrieved May 18, 2011, from